Tuesday, October 24, 2006

An Odd Sorta Deja Vu (part two--sad but true)

I've come to the conclusion that the two best movies I've seen in theaters this year are Victorian era magician flicks. As I wrote earlier they were so similar I and many others in the theater saw the preview for the one while watching the other and thought we were somehow in the wrong theater. Anyway, these two films, The Illusionist and The Prestige are very good, and this seems to be quite the exception these days. If I had to choose one, I'd go for The Prestige though.

Then again, we saw The Prestige for $4!!! Apparently the theater at Crosswoods only charges $4 for the first showing of the day (12:45 in this case), and I'm a sucker for a deal. The $6 normal price there is pretty good, but the $4 is a steal.

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